Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Birthday, Brynn!

 Our little Brynn AiXin is 4 years old! My oh my! These kids are growing too fast!
Sunday we celebrated with a Chinese themed party.
This GORGEOUS girl greeted us in her traditional Chinese Silk. 

Brynn absolutely LOVES being the center of attention. While we sang 'Happy Birthday' she just grinned the whole time. Her cookie said 'Love" which is what the AI in AiXin means. 

 Zoey was still not feeling well so she was content to let her Cousin Caleb hold her while Brynn opened her presents! I love how sweet he is with her!!
Happy Birthday, Brynn AiXin! 
I am SO thankful that God blessed us with bringing you into our family!
We love you!


The McIntires said...

You failed to mention how content she was with her Aunt Belle holding her :)

Amanda said...

Great pic of you, Zoey and Brynn! So glad she had a great party!