Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Phone Dump

Zoey was running through the house, after we had told her a million and a half times to stop, she tripped and her face met the fireplace! We iced it to keep from swelling and by morning it was just a bruise. 
 Elleigh Kate isn't in to toys much but she LOVES this book and tries to cram the whole thing in her mouth.
 Zoey doing the customary thing while camping...driving.
 She was very focused!
 Oh Elleigh Kate!
 Zoey loves to help me empty the dishwasher. Her job is to put up the clean silverware.
 Yep, we are working on sitting up with Elleigh Kate. The bumbo seat puts to much pressure on her tummy resulting in lots of spit up, so we are going the old fashioned route.
 I love seeing how much these girls love each other! Zoey is constantly loving on and talking to Elleigh Kate, who is finally giving her sister lots of smiles in return!

 I said I would never dress my girls a like...but it's happening more and more!
 I just can't help it!

 My mom kept the girls one Saturday morning so that Brad and I could spend the morning alone! We had breakfast together and then went to see an early showing of Jurassic World (which we LOVED by the way!). It was a nice (and quiet!!) morning together.

1 comment:

Josh and Shan said...

Whew, glad you got the pictures on the blog in case your house is ever blown away ;-)