Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Caleb's Birthday

Sunday night we gathered at Mom and Dad's house to celebrate Caleb's 13th birthday!
Friday when Zoey spent the day with mom, they had craft time, but the finished product hadn't been ready yet.
 Mom bought this chalk board table for the grand kids, but I felt the need to decorate it for the occasion. Don't be jealous of my talent!
 While waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, Dad and Zoey watched a little baseball.
(notice her toes, holding dads finger!)
Goodness, can he really already be 13???
 Oh Zoey, she had a very unhappy evening!
Susan wanted to see her, "cute crying face", so I let her get Zoey out of bed since she obviously wasn't going to sleep. When Susan finally got her calmed down...she covered her face, trying to escape the horribleness of the day!
 The kids were all very involved in watching Master of is Blake's favorite movie.
(Notice Barrett's new boots!)

1 comment:

Josh and Shan said...

I love that chalkboard table, Caleb's pink cake, Barrett's boots but most of all......

Her priceless "please just kill me" pose!!