Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Month 5

Our Zoey Jane turns 5 months old today...Wow!
Time has flown by! I am sad that she is getting so big, but I love watching her grow!
 This month you have:
Started teething...oh dear! That means FUSSY BABY!!
Grown out of ALL 3month clothes and most 3-6 month.
Rolling over all the time! Tummy time turns into us trying to keep you on your tummy. You're trying to roll from back to tummy but haven't quite figured that one out yet.
 You can sit up for several seconds before you fall to the side or back.
We need to get you a seat for the big bath tub, because you would rather sit up than recline back.
Now when we say "Zoey" you look, because you have finally learned your name.
You still take two two hour naps, and if  you take an evening nap, it's only for an hour.
We still struggle around the 7 o'clock hour, but started feeding you cereal today (post soon to come)and we are hoping that this will help.
I guess that's about it Little Miss Zoey Bear!
Mommy and Daddy love you so much!
We can't wait to see what this month holds for us all!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy 5 Months Zoey! You are a doll!