Sunday, June 22, 2014


If you recall back in December, we put Zoey in a "big girl" bed after she jumped out of her baby bed? For 6 months she has been sleeping on the floor up against her bedroom door. Yes, 6 months! Stubborn much? Anyways, last Saturday I bribed her with going to play with Brynn and Kaleb after nap if she stayed in bed. Low and behold, she did it! She was, however, exhausted, so I chalked it up to that. When she woke up, I praised her and we went to play with Bynn and Kaleb.
 Sunday we were gone all day for Father's Day so no nap that day.
Monday, it happened again! But I still wasn't getting my hopes up, because she was so tired from the day before.
 WHAT?!? Again?!?!  This time it took her about 30min to fall asleep, but she never attempted to get down! I was finally starting to think we turned a corner!
 Friday at Shannon's, she stayed in that big bed for her whole nap!
She since has taken every nap in her bed!
I hope it's safe to say that she will be napping in her bed for good now, fingers crossed! We weren't pressing it at bed time because generally we are tired and just want her to go to bed. Tonight however, I told her to stay in bed, put the door in the same spot I do at nap, and she stayed. She cried for a good 10min but never tried getting down. She's been asleep, in bed, for about 45min now. I'm doubting she stays there all night, but we will see. It's progress for sure!

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