Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Aiden Duke

Friday afternoon we got the call from Shannon that we had anxiously been awaiting...she was FINALLY in labor. Her contractions weren't 5 min apart yet though so we still had a long wait. I didn't get much sleep because I was expecting a call any minute saying she was on the way to the hospital. Finally Saturday morning at 7:30 am, she let us know that she was at the hospital and there to stay!
By 11 o'clock the waiting room was filled with our family.
Our traditional sister picture...always awkward but we take one at every birth.
 While Shannon was laying around in bed, haha just kidding, we were passing time in the waiting room. We all come prepared with toys, iPads, and snacks.

 Yes, we all watched and did stuff on the iPads, but we were there for 7hrs before we even got to see the baby! 
 Aiden was born at 3:41pm but we didn't get to see him until about 6:15. By then Shannon had already been moved out of L&D. When we got to her room, a nurse was in there so we had to wait outside for a few min. Zoey could hear Aiden crying and was very concerned (this is NOT a posed picture!)!
Aiden Duke
7lbs 11oz
19 3/4in
Perfect and adorable in every way!

 Aiden and all of his cousins!
 He is definitely one loved little boy!
Welcome to the world sweet boy!!


Josh and Shan said...

I hurried as fast as I could so that ya'll didn't have to wait long. I'm always thinking of others like that! But now ya'll know how I've felt the past 15 years!

I love that picture of Zoey listening at my door!

Kati said...

So sweet! Love all the kiddos pic.