Friday, June 19, 2015

VBS 2015

As soon as we decided that I wouldn't be going back to work, I immediately knew I wanted to volunteer to work VBS. Since I volunteered, Zoey and Elleigh were able to attend as well. I went to VBS every year as a kid and was so excited that my girls can start going at such an early age. 

 I had the hard job of working in Baby A. Basically I spent all week rocking babies!
Elleigh had a blast!

 Zoey was in the 2yr old class.
 She wasn't in a small class with Ms. Jamie and Grayson, but they did crafts, music, and their Bible class together.

The preschool classes got to go to the Worship rally with the older kids for the music portion. I think this was Zoey's favorite part! I bought a cd with the VBS music on it so she knew all the words and caught on quickly to the motions.

We all had so much fun on our "Journey Off the Map"!

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