Friday, July 3, 2015

Elleigh Kate ~ 4 Months

Elleigh Kate is 4 months old today! 
I can't even believe it! The months seem to be flying by and my baby is growing like a weed! 
Here are Elleigh Kate's measurements:
Height: 26 1/4 (98%)
Weight: 14.14 (70%)
Head: 40cm (35%)
Here is what you have been up to this month:
You are wearing 3m to 3-6month clothes. I have finally given up squeezing your long legs into 3m pj's. You are in a size 2 diaper and are now sleeping in nighttime diapers. 
You eat 5.5 ounces every 3hrs.  You take a 2hr nap in the morning and afternoon and then about an hour in the evenings. Bedtime is at 7pm. You have a dream feeding at 10pm and then sleep until 7am. You love sleeping on your tummy but usually roll onto your back.
You still love your play mat and bathes. You are also now big enough for your jumperoo! The lights and music mesmerize you. 
Zoey Jane absolutely loves you and you are now returning the love. You get the biggest smile on your face when she talks to you. You are a mamma's girl! While you do love your daddy you would much rather be in my arms. I can't say that I'm sad about this!
 You have a Minnie Mouse book that you love to play with while in your rock n play. You really aren't a fan of your car seat but the elephant that that we have handing from the handle makes it bearable! You absolutely love that toy! You love smiling and playing with it.
You're still pretty temperamental and easily upset, but you will also give the biggest smiles and they just melt my heart!
Elleigh Kate, we love you so so much and can't wait to see what the next month holds!
Happy 4 months our sweet Elleigh Cake!

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