Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Elleigh Kate ~ 8 Months

Here we are at 8months! 
My sweet, spirited, little big Elleigh Kate is 8months old!
Here is what has been going on.
 Elleigh Kate, you have done so much this month! First things first, sizes! 
In pants and footed pj's, you are wearing 12months. Sorry, but you got your mommy's legs! Tops you are in mostly 9months but some 12months. Just depends on the brand. We are finishing up the last package of size 3 diapers, so by the end of the week you will be in size 4.
You eat every 4 hours. You have 3 "meals"a day and still have a dream feed. You have so far LOVED most foods! We had a rough start but now you will eat almost anything. Your favorites are: avocado, toast and jelly, grilled cheese, broccoli, carrots, and apple sauce. You will eat chicken, but it's definitely not your favorite. As far as the dream feed goes, I'm pretty sure you don't need it, but I can't bring myself to drop it. It's the only time I get to snuggle you all by myself, in a quiet house. Maybe by 9months I'll drop it and just let you sleep...but I am not making any promises!
 Elleigh Kate! You are on the move! Your crawling looks more like the "worm" but you get where you want to go. You have been trying for weeks to pull up. Last week you were able to pull up to your knees. Sunday afternoon you made it to your feet! Now, you will pull up on anything and everything! Zoey still loves you A LOT, but she doesn't like that you are able to get to her toys! Pictures this month were difficult because you just weren't going to sit still for me!

 You are so happy most of the time. It's hard to believe you are still the same baby that cried the entire first month!! You talk non stop, and your happy sounds are basically a high pitched scream that I am sure drives other people insane, but I know you are just telling us how happy you are!
 The drooling is on going! It's almost on the verge of out of control! You drool through at least 3 bibs a day! The only teeth you have are the bottom front two, but I think you will be popping out one on top soon!
Elleigh Kate you have completed our family and I don't know what we ever did without you! Your sister is absolutely in love with you! It's basically impossible for her to be near you without touching you! 
Kate Kate, our little Velociraptor, we all love you more than you will ever know!
Here's to another fun filled month!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy 8 Months sweet girl!!