Thursday, March 3, 2016

Elleigh Kate ~ 12Months

Here we are...12 months.
I can't even believe it as I type those words!
My sweet baby Elleigh Kate is 12 months old.
 Elleigh Kate, all the pictures are blurry because you don't sit still anymore! You are everywhere and into everything!
I have no idea what your 12 month stats are because your pediatrician is on maternity leave so I am delaying your checkup for a while. 
You are still in size 4 diapers and size 5 overnight diapers. 
You are in most 18-24m size clothes...some are even 2T!! 
Like a true Killough kid, you have small feet and are in a size 4 shoe.
You have 8 teeth. The 8th one came through earlier this week...thank goodness! You have been a terror the past few days while cutting it! You eat everything we put in front of you! You are down to one bottle a day, at 7pm. It took a while but you finally like milk!
Bedtime is around 7:30 and you usually sleep until 7am.
 This month has been HUGE for you! You had major surgery to correct your Trigonocephaly, with a 2 day stay in the hospital. You now have a perfectly shaped head, and a zigzag scar to show for it. I am so proud of you! It was tough for mommy and daddy to see you like that, but you are back to your happy little self!
At 12months your favorite things are:
Your paci, binky, a big fleece blanket ( you received it after your surgery and formed quite an attachment), anything you can push around, Zoey's kitchen and all the play food that goes with it.
 You are now a speed crawler. You can push and walk behind anything. On Feb. 24, you took your first step. Actually, you took a total of 5 steps that day. But nothing really since then. When we attempt to get you to try, your legs suddenly turn to jello and you wont even stand up!
 Your hair keeps getting redder and redder. You have the personality and temper to fit it! You are very strong willed. When you are mad, hungry, or just feel like it, you let out an ear splitting scream! I am hoping you soon outgrow it because it drives us all crazy!
My sweet sweet Elleigh Kate, I can't believe you have been in our lives for a year! 
You have added so much happiness into our family. 
Your big sister absolutely adores you and you feel the same about her. I love seeing y'all laugh and play together. 
Katie Kate, we love you more than you will ever know!
Happy 12 months my sweet baby!!