Monday, April 11, 2016

Zoey Jane - 4 Years

Zoey Jane is 4 years old!
4 years ago a sweet little 7lb 4oz baby entered the world and made Brad and I parents.
4 years ago our lives were changed!
 Here we are 4 years later and that baby girl has turned into a little girl!
She is now 3.5ft tall and weighing in at 48lbs! She wears a size 6 in all clothes. She prefers dresses and skirts over pants and shorts...especially if they twirl!
 Zoey is full of personality, sass, and still as dramatic as ever!! She says the funniest things that keep us laughing! She is also soooo stubborn, will argue with a brick wall, and also has a bit of an attitude...Zoey as a teenager scares me!
But, she is also very tender hearted, sweet, and can't stand to see anyone sad! 
Zoey loves to love! She loves her baby sister! We constantly have to tell her to be easy and to stop touching Elleigh! She hates it when Brad goes to work, or I go somewhere without her because she wants us "...all to be togetter!"
 Zoey is very much a girly girl but also loves to spend time outside. She loves going to the park, playing with her sand table, and riding her new bike. 
She loves having tea parties, playing with her barbies and Elsa castle. She loves everything princess and enjoys being read to every night before bed. 
She loves to do "flips" and "ballet".
 Zoey loves to talk! She talks non stop all. day. long. She starts talking the min her eyes open, and doesn't stop until she falls asleep at night! She also likes to sing. She will sing the songs that are on the radio, or just make up her own songs, about anything and everything! Some days it's like her life is a musical!
 Throughout the day, Zoey will randomly give me a hug, kiss, and tell me that she loves me or that I am her best friend. To say that melts my heart is an understatement! 
Zoey Jane I love you more than you will ever know. I never knew that I could love someone so much until I held you in my arms at 10:23pm on April 5, 2012. 
You light up my life and I couldn't imagine life without you!
I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you!
Here's to the best year yet!


Josh and Shan said...

Whatevs, Squish Pants doesn't have an attitude or personality

Amanda said...

Love these pics of your beautiful girl!! I hear you on the twirling :) - it's very important in determining which dress to wear!