Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Evening

When we left the Killough's, we headed home so that Zoey could take a nap before we went over to my parent's house. While she was sleeping, it started TEXAS on CHRISTMAS! I have waited 26 years to get a white Christmas and it finally happened! By the time Zoey woke up, we had about 4 inces on the ground.
Please pardon what she has on in this picture! It was rushed...
 It was a slow drive, but we all made it safely!
Here it is, our annual family picture in the bedroom before we open presents! We are getting pretty good at it!
 Awwww, I just love us!
 I mean really, when did this child get so big?!?!
 This picture cracks me up. Brynn got American Girl twins, Zoey and Zach, from Santa. Mom and dad got her a twin stroller. They also got Barrett a headlamp. Barrett and Brynn
were pushing the stroller together up and down the hall by the light of Barrett's headlamp!
I thought it was so cute!
 It was a very long day for Zoey. It wore her out opening all of her toys!
Well, another Christmas has come and gone. This Christmas was one I will never forget for many reasons. Two reasons are that it was Zoey's first and it was a WHITE one!
I am so thankful for the time spent with our family and for the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Saviour!
Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy 1st Christmas Zoey!