Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Morning

**There is no Christmas Eve post because I didn't take enough pictures for it to be worth a whole post. The only thing that is worth noting is that Zoey got to open a present and it was her first set of princess Little People.**
Christmas morning started bright and early quite late because little Miss Zoey decided to sleep in, of all mornings!
Once she finally decided to wake up, we took her to see what Santa brought her. I am pretty sure she LOVED her chair! Look at that face!!
 Of course Santa didn't leave out the pups! They got "dinner plates" that consisted of crab or lobster, with dinner rolls, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes. All of which have squeakers..and they have been squeaking around our house all day!
 Zoey was a little overwhelmed...
Haha, I didn't realize until now that her stocking is bigger than she is!
 Brad and I bought two sets of Little People for her, she opened one on Christmas Eve and one Christmas morning. She LOVES them!
 While Brad and I opened our gifts, Zo sat in her chair and played with the Little People.
 Once our morning was finished, we headed over to my in-laws for Christmas with Brad's family. I am so sad that I didn't get many pictures, but Zoey was quite fussy due to the timing. I did, however, try to get some pictures of her and cousin Madalynn...this was the best I could do!
I got one of each of them smiling...just not in the same picture!
We had a wonderful time with Brad's family and were showered with gifts...especially Zoey!

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