Monday, April 8, 2013

Look WHOOOO's One!

On Sunday, we celebrated Zoey Jane with a party. I am not a party planner nor am I crafty, but I think it turned out nicely. The theme was, of course, Owls!
Here are just a few of the decorations:
The banner made from Zoey's monthly pictures.
 Her adorable, tasty, and completely egg free cakes!
 Pictures at new born, 3m, 6m, 9m, and 12m.
Her high chair. 
This chair has been in my family for countless years! 
The beautiful birthday girl in her special day outfit!
 Some of Zoey's best friends were at her party...unfortunately I didn't get pictures of them all, but here are a few...
Zoey wasn't too interested opening her presents, but she liked to see what was in them!
She got a lot of very cute clothes and toys...
 ...but her favorite present by far was her Cozy Coupe Car! She absolutely LOVED it!
She couldn't wait to get her hands on it!
She started by just getting tiny bites of the icing, but then decided the whole thing was quite tasty and went for it!
 If you are wondering why the phone is being held in front of her, it's because Aunt Yay-yay and Uncle Joshie had to be part of this special we Skyped with them during the cake smashing!
 As you can tell, the only thing on Zoey's mind was how tasty her cake was! Haha!
 Icing in her eyes, nose, and hair! 
After getting her all cleaned up, it was back in the car she went. Brynn has a blast pushing her around the house and Zoey was content with the ride!
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated our sweet Zoey Jane!
Once again:
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
You are so Loved!!
(a special thank you to Susan who took all the pictures!)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It was a wonderful party! Great job!!