Friday, April 5, 2013


Well, here we are. My Dear Sweet Zoey Jane is one whole year old! This year has flown by! It has been one of the best years of my life and that has been because on April 5, 2012 at 10:23pm this little light entered my life (click here for that moment). 
Zoey Jane, at 12 months you are a walking machine! You get angry when anyone tries to help you walk because you know you can do it on your own. You still pull up but I know it won't be long until you are able to stand up on your own. Taking pictures of you these days is work! You see the camera and run away, look away, or just plain won't be still. You LOVE food of all kinds and you easily drain a sippy cup full of milk. You take only one, 4oz bottle a day now. We have about half a container of formula left and once that is empty, you will no longer take that bottle. You can now drink from a straw and are learning to bite food that is too big to fit into your mouth.
You are wearing mostly 12m clothes but fit into some 18m and a size 4 diaper.
You are so funny, sweet, feisty, dramatic, and a little temper mental!
You love to give hugs and kisses! When I pick up you and my purse, you automatically start waving bye-bye. You have 9 teeth, including one molar and I can tell you are about to cut another any day now. Bath time is getting better. We have had at least a weeks worth of baths without any tears at all! YAY!!! Now, if summer will hurry up and get here, your skin will clear up as well!
I guess that's about all for this update.
Happy 12month Zoey Jane!
Your Daddy and I love you so much and couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby!
We look forward to spending the next 12+ months watching you grow!

Here is a little walk down the past 12 months...look at my baby grow!


Josh and Shan said...

6 months is Brad with a bow and 7 months just makes me laugh!

Amanda said...

Love the month by month pics! Happy Birthday Zoey!

Kati said...

What a big smiley girl in her chair! Happy 1st Birthday Zoey!

And congrats on making it the first year. That is HUGE! And p.s. the 2nd year FLIES by too. :)

Leanne said...

happy Birthday Zoey!!!