Friday, April 3, 2015

Elleigh Kate ~ 1 Month

Elleigh Kate is 1 month old today!! 
What??!?! In ways I am sad that 1 month has already passed...but honestly, it was a really bad first month so I am also kind of glad it's over! Does admitting that make me a bad mom??? 
This picture sums up our first month perfectly! 
 This poor girl just couldn't catch a break. She had jaundice really bad, resulting in multiple doctor appointments. She has reflux and couldn't keep any milk down and wasn't able to gain weight, more doctor appointments. Now, she has decided she won't nurse, resulting in hopefully the last doctor appointment until her Two Month Well check.  It was a hard decision to put her on a bottle but honestly, I am just ready to enjoy my baby and see her happy and if her using a bottle is what it takes, then that's what I will do.
 Here is what is going on with you, Elleigh Kate:
You are weighing in at 7lbs 10oz. Not sure your height because you haven't been measured since your 2wk appointment. 
You are wearing all new born size clothes and diapers. 
You eat about 3-4 bottles of breast milk a day and the rest you get formula. I have to burp you after every ounce and keep you propped up for awhile after you eat to reduce your spit up. You have been going to the chiropractor since you were two weeks old and he has been helping with your reflux. It has made a huge difference!  You eat every 3 hours during the day and 3-4hours at night. You are now awake for about an hour and a half, then nap for an hour and a half. 
You spent most of your first month crying, but since we got most of your issues worked out, I am glad to say you are now quite content. 
 You don't love your Rock and Play, but will tolerate it for a few minutes. 
You really like to lay on your play mat. Your neck is getting very strong so we spend a few minutes on it for tummy time. Yesterday during tummy time you rolled over onto your back. A total of 5 times!
After the first couple of weeks sleeping in our room, in your rock and play, you are now back in your room, in your own bed. 
You LOVE your baths! I am still shocked by this! Your sister HATED baths until she was 18m!
You love to be tightly swaddled. As far as a paci goes, sometimes you want it and go to town slurping on it, other times you want nothing to do with it. 
I know when sleeping "back is best" but you will not go to sleep unless you are on your side. You will eventually make it onto your back though.
My sweet Elleigh Pie, we made it through the first month! I think we can now conquer the world!!
Your Daddy, Mommy, and big sister love you more than you will ever know!
We are so thankful for you and are excited to watch you grow!
Happy 1 month Elleigh Kate!


Andrea Crosswhite said...

Congratulations on surviving the first month! You're a great mommy and your little girls are adorable. :)

Amanda said...

Happy first month Elleigh! Praying things keep getting better! She is beautiful!

Josh and Shan said...

Back is best Sam, back is best ;-)