Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Procrit Injections

Here we are, 3 weeks until Elleigh Kate's surgery! Starting this week, we had to start a weekly visit to the Pediatric Hematologist for Procrit injections. This is an injection she will get in order to boost her red blood cells to reduce the risk of having to have a blood transfusion. 
The night before her first injection, my sweet friend Heather left this at my house for me,
"...a few SHOTS of encourageMINTS..."
 The bottom of the bucket was filled with chocolate mints, the (clean) syringes were filled with mini M&M's and a bible verse for comfort and encouragement was tied to each one. I am so thankful for such a sweet and thoughtful gift and knowing how many are praying for us through each step of this journey.
 At the appointment, after Elleigh Kate was measured, weighed, and all that good stuff, we met with the doctor. He checked her over and talked to us all about the injections. He wants her level to be around 13 but no higher than 14. They will draw blood to check her levels before each injection. He said since we have been giving her an iron supplement and the color of her hands and lips, we may not need all 3 injections. 
 I am so thankful we made our appointments with the pediatric hematologist! They were so sweet and distracted Elleigh so sweetly! They drew her blood and she only cried when we had to hold her arms still! She took it like a pro! I'm so proud of her!
The doctor was right, her levels were at 12.6 so no injection was needed for round one! She goes back Thursday the 28th and will probably get one. Then we will draw blood the Thursday before surgery to see if she will need another.
I know these are probably boring details to most people, but I am mainly recording this for my memory =)

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