Sunday, January 24, 2016

This and That

We haven't been up to much of anything so here are just some randoms pictures from my phone.
Zoey got the Jasmine costume for Christmas. Then Yay-Yay found the Jasmine wig on clearance at Target and got if for her. I think it's hilarious but Zo is less than fond of it!
 Oh these girls! They love each other so much!! Elleigh Kate can't help but smile when she sees her sister!  Zoey, well, she can't keep from CONSTANTLY hugging and touching Elleigh Kate! 
 The other day we went out to eat and on the way home, we heard a lour noise. We didn't know what it was so we drove on. Then Brad noticed that the Tire Pressure alert came on. We stopped at a gas station and realized our tire was quickly going flat. Apparently we hit a nail and threw it out all at the same time. Brad went to put the spare on and the jack in our car didn't lift it up high enough...of course! Thankfully his mom lives close by so she was able to bring us a bigger jack!
 Zoey is really in to playing games. Her favorite is Hi-Ho CherryO. 
 She got a Sofia the First game for Christmas and begs to play it, but she loses interest about half way through it and is ready to play with something different!
 Zoey has been begging to wear this dress and finally got to wear it today to church. She was delighted to see that it spins like a "princess dress"! She came home and put sweats on under it so that she could wear it all day! 
 We have been trying to keep Elleigh Kate as healthy as possible so we don't have to worry about postponing her surgery. Today she woke up with a slight cough and a runny nose. Then after her nap, her drooling doubled and she has been chewing on anything she can get her hands on! Clearly it's all due to teething but I'm praying she cuts this tooth fast and gets over her cough and runny nose so we don't have to postpone!

1 comment:

Kati said...

Love their sister pic! I hope our girls will be besties too. :-) We used to play Hi-Ho Cherry-O too as kids - I need to pick that one up! And I love that she put on sweats under her dress. :> #alwaysaprincess